Table of Contents

Rules of Engagement

You will find the ig-orchestrations project in Github.

The project contains and/or generates API Documents, as well as JSON Schema, Java bindings and TypeScript interfaces.

You don’t need to build this project as the artifacts are published to “oss.sonatype.org” and can be downloaded from there. You’ll want to download the roe.zip for either the WebSocket or FIX API. You can follow the following links to the download location.

API Artifact
WebSocket Sonatype Nexus (Releases)
FIX5.0SP2 Sonatype Nexus (Releases)

How to use the “Rules of Engagement” documents.

The conventional FIX API is documented with Markdown and HTML. These can both be found in the deployed artifact referenced above. The Markdown can be viewed without downloading the artifact.

FIX Based APIs

The APIs are built on FIXT1.1 or FIX/P and defined using FIX Orchestra. The latter is a new FIX Trading Community initiative that is in active development. Please see:

WebSocket API

WebSocket Client Examples

You can also find simple WebSocket Client Examples here:

N.B. Logging onto the WebSocket API using username and password results in a “logout” messages being sent to web platform (as it does when you try to log on to the web platform multiple times). For testing you can log onto the API first. Logging onto web platform does not log out the API.

These are the Demo connection details. Please refer to the examples.

API Host Port Path
Pre Trade demo-iguspretrade.ig.com 443 /pretrade
Trade demo-igustrade.ig.com 443 /trade


FIX API Client Example

We have updated a fork of the open source QuickFix/J project to support our API including a customised QuickFIX/J dictionary. This is our QuickFixJ github forked repository: qfj-ig-us

We have made artifacts publicly available in Sonatype at the following location:

Sonatype Nexus (Releases)


In order to use the FIX API, please contact Trading Services with the details below.

Department Contact Email
Trading Services helpdesk.us@ig.com